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Sabtu, 01 September 2012


Pisang Peppe' you familiar with kind of this food. I don't think so hahahaha...since it is a very traditional food originated from Makassar. Pisang Peppe' means banana press. Pisang is banana and peppe' means press. But for you who are familiar with Makassar's food called Pisang Epe', I'm sure you'll get confused about the "banana press" thing. But if you don't have any idea about Pisang Epe', I'll post the the story about the other "banana press". Flustered ??? please do keep flustered... 

Pisang Peppe'
 There you go.....the look of Pisang Peppe'. Pisang Peppe' is an old Makassar's tidbit. And not all the Makassar people have ever taste the tremendous savor of Pisang Peppe'. Or they even not too familiar with Pisang Peppe'.

Banana is the most chosen main foodstuff of Makassar's food, tidbit or snack, and Pisang Peppe' is one of it.
Making a portion of Pisang Peppe' is an effortless thing in cooking. You only need banana, chilli, tomatoes, basil (daun kemangi), small fragrant lime (jeruk purut), shrimp paste (terasi) and cooking oil. The most important things in Pisang Peppe' is the banana. It must be the unripe banana or you are only making fried banana using ripe banana which is a very common snack in Indonesia.

Fried the unripe banana until the banana turn into golden colour, put it aside and then press it using rice pestle or flatten it by using the bottom of 2 plates (put the fried banana among the bottom of the plates and press it to flat). 
The chilli, tomatoes, basil, small fragrant lime and shrimp paste are the ingredients for chilli sauce. The chilli sauce called sambal mentah or lombok mentah in Makassar tounge. Just put the all the ingredients in a pestle, except the basil and small fragrant lime, and crushed them. Once you've crushed all the lombok mentah, it is the time for kemangi and jeruk purut take their part in the chilli sauce to complete the Pisang Peppe'.There is no particular measurement for the chilli sauce. If you like the hot chilli sauce, just put more chilli, or you like the sweet sauce then you need more tomatoes. But mostly Makassar food are spicy and hot, that's why Makassar people prefer the hot chilli sauce than the sweet one.

Pisang Peppe' is mostly enjoyed with a cup of tea in the morning as breakfast or in the afternoon to accompany your afternoon tea time. Or sometimes it is served as snack in any family occation. 

The Pisang Peppe' picture was taken at Agri Restaurant in Bulukumba, which is about 153 km away from Makassar or about 4 - 5 hours driving. Long way to go just to enjoy a portion (10 pieces) of Pisang Peppe' and its super hot lombok mentah.

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